The Iguana Zone

F.Y.I For First Time Owners

     The diet of iguanas is of fresh vegetables.  As I've mentioned earlier, iguanas are herbivores.  THEY DO NOT EAT ANIMALS.  I don't care how much people tell you they can. I'm telling you they can't!  I will back up this information with a question;  Can you live a normal, healthy life on junk food?  I didn't think so.  Iguanas feed on greens from the wild, when they are not in captivity.  It is your duty to make sure that this never changes and you can provide a diet that can supplement the diet from the wild.  To do this you may ask.  It is not an easy job.  So rather than let you know the information that you will not likely understand I will tell you a simple diet that will allow you to add as you gather experience.
       In feeding my iguana I chose to supply him with an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables.  As a core diet he gets :    Green beans, swish chard (green), collard greens, carrots (and tops), watercress, dandelion and pet product "Kaytee Juvenile/Adult Iguana food"  Fruits such as; apple, strawberries and kiwi can be added as a treat.  As well I sprinkle 'Repti-Vit' (a vitamin supplement) on the food to ensure his health.  This is really a must!  Although some people have been known to provide a diet without the supplements.  I feed my iguana everyday for a healthy diet.  I do believe that it is ok to leave an iguana for a day or two without food.  It should not be continuously. (feed one day, wait a couple, feed again, wait again ....)
        Note:  I need to remind you that my information should not be the only research done.  It takes a lot of time to understand iguanas and extra effort should be given.  My information only touches the surface of what iguanas need.  Please, feel free to contact me at the email address provided on this site.