I would have to say that iguanas, by far, are my favorite lizards. Six
years ago I got my first iguana, names 'Farphanoogle', 'Iggie', 'Noogle'. By the way my brother thought
I should name him that. Anyway, throughout
this site I will tell you exactly what I do to care for my Iguana. Do not use my information ONLY. A lot
of care should be taken to research iguana's as I have done. But first a brief history lesson.
The green iguana (the one that I have), Iguana iguana, is often said to have come from the 'jungles of South America'
however, they extend to the north, such as Mexico. The green iguana can grow between 4 and 6 feet. (no I do not believe
that iguanas will grow with their surroundings. In fact I don't believe that is true with any animal) So the first
thing that you would want to do is MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE ROOM! Another fact is that iguanas can live up to 20 years
and beyond when in captivity, and all proper care is given. As well iguanas are herbivores and should be given such
a diet with no exceptions. Some people may say that animal protein is an asset, at a young age, but I don't so if
you want to believe them then go ahead.